Capturing, Mitigating & Controlling Risks
Business processes and the companies you work with change: including the contracts you manage.
With these changes comes high risk. Every time a contract is adapted, a new relationship is onboarded there is an element of risk involved.
Risk managers need to record any indicator or early warning signs as emerging risks and managed using Risk management best practices. The Brooklyn platform has adopted a standardised Risk Matrix to remove the complexity of managing risk.

Remove the complexity of Customer/Supplier mangement
Digitalise your process whilst removing the complexity of Risk management.
Brooklyn Solutions
Streamline your risk lifecycle
The Brooklyn platform help you to:
- Evaluate, mitigate & control risk
- Capture risk in a ‘front-line’ meeting with ease
- Review a supply chain risk dashboard
- Front-line risk capture
- Best practice risk workflow
- Real-time risk monitoring

Why us?
Did you know that on that the average cost of a data breach is $3.9m according to IBM. The Brooklyn platform help’s Risk Manager to protect their business by minimising risk of disruption across their entire supply chain.