Innovation, Issues, Change & Dispute Management
The interaction and relationships between customers and suppliers are one of the most important aspects of any business. The current overlapping industry processes are vastly different in design, purpose and name. There is yet to be a standardised or industry best practice approach to Customer-Supplier relationships.
Brooklyn Solutions provides a custom workflow that automatically triggers different event types based on chosen custom fields to help you capture the required meta-data and ensure your team optimises its process. All whilst being fully auditable.
Digitalise your processes and optimise your efficiency, and deliver best practices at low costs through system-based guardrails.

Remove the complexity of Customer/Supplier mangement
Supplier/Vendor Managers struggle to innovate resulting in missing added-value along their vendor tail.
Brooklyn Solutions
Digitalise your processes and deliver best practices
The Brooklyn platform allows you to:
- Drive opportunities & capture
Manage and report on your supply chain
Integrated best practice workflow
- Automated Surveys & alerts
- Innovation Intelligence dashboard

Why us?
Capture innovation across your vendor tail through our Custom Workflows. Drive Vendor/Customer performance, tracking ROI back to your business. Gain results such as +4.9% EBIT growth. (McKinsey)